A curated list of books and a wholesome alternative to secular bookfairs for the entire family!

This site is not for everyone.  It’s for those who want to be empowered and strengthened to stand for truth and biblical virtues.  We love the LORD, our family, freedom, and our country.  Further, we want to pass on a love of books that share what is good, beautiful, and true to our children.  

Unfortunately, it’s hard right now to know which books are appropriate for our children to read.  And even when they’re appropriate, many are just “twaddle” (i.e. junk food for the brain).  Here at Mud Hen Mama, we offer an online book store that provides a curated list of quality books for all ages! MHM has spent hours reviewing books to put together the very best titles.  Enjoy our selections of Classics, Biographies/Autobiographies, Historical Fiction, and more!

Along with supporting biblical values and what is good, beautiful and true, our books include important topics that help all ages dialogue about harmful ideologies that undermine our convictions and values. This includes books that discuss Gender Ideology, History, CRT (Critical Race Theory), and the Right to Life, all from a Biblical Worldview.

Protect your family against the prevailing culture with books that align with your values! SHOP HERE!

Interested in a bookfair? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Email us and let us know which week you’d like to have your MHM bookfair!
  2. Share your custom link with your school families via email and social media!
  3. Receive your books and hand out the individually bagged books to your families!
Santa Fe Springs Christian School – MHM Hybrid Bookfair

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You’ll be getting encouragement, support, and stories of life moments with all its ups and downs and messiness! PLUS you will also receive an incredible list of Mud Hen Mama’s favorite resources, including podcasts and websites, that provide important information on living out our faith from a biblical worldview. WHAT?!?  Yup.  Sign up!

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