The Invisible Friend (Viking Quest Series Book 3)



Author:  Lois Walfrid Johnson

Deep in the Norwegian fjords the Viking ship comes to shore. Mikkel, the prideful young leader, is home, but Briana O’Toole faces a new, uncertain life. What will happen to her and the other Irish prisoners?

Soon Bree feels sure that Mikkel is hiding a dark secret from his father. When Bree finds mysterious messages that seem meant for her, she longs to be what she is–the respected daughter of an Irish chieftain. But the cold winds of autumn sweep down the Aurland Fjord, and its people wait for the last ship out. Bree wonders, Can my brother Devin possibly bring ransom before winter?

In the midst of a growing threat, will Bree and Devin find God’s courage to win? Who is their invisible friend? And what does it mean to be truly free?

224 pages (Soft Cover)


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