It’s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity



Author:  Michael Foster

Our modern society has called for us to “smash the patriarchy,” and the church has not done much better.

Instead of telling men how they can hone and refine their aggressive traits, the church has told men that they should aspire to be meek servant-leaders, and when a man shows any signs of independence, he is shown to the door.

This leaves most young men lost. They don’t know what to do or how to improve, so they watch Jordan Peterson videos on YouTube to learn how to grow in their masculinity and sense of mission.

But Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant seek to remind men that their natural aggressive instincts are gifts from God that are meant to be used for the kingdom. Men are supposed to found households, join brotherhoods, and work towards a mission.

It’s Good to Be A Man offers men a quick guide to where they are and how they can be better.

God made men to be strong and aggressive risk-takers. This is a feature, not a bug. Foster and Tennant remind us that It’s Good to Be a Man.

242 pages (Soft Cover)



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