The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God: Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again



Author: Justin Brierley

Justin Brierley is convinced that in our time we are witnessing a growing wave of faith.

Famously described as the “long, withdrawing roar” of the “Sea of Faith,” the Christian narrative that shaped the West has been replaced by sweeping secularism. But is that the end of the story?

It was a conversation with agnostic journalist Douglas Murray that led Brierley to investigate whether a change was on the horizon. Speaking of the “Sea of Faith,” Murray remarked that tides come back in again and that a number of his intelligent friends had converted to Christianity in recent years. Brierley was seeing a similar trend among the secular thinkers he had interviewed. Jordan Peterson, Tom Holland, Dave Rubin, and many others have found themselves surprised by the continuing resonance and relevance of Christianity, and they are joining in on conversations about faith.

Readers will encounter Brierley’s discussion of cultural trends and concepts, including:

  • The meaning crisis
  • Public intellectuals embracing faith
  • Why the Christianity story is ready to return
  • And much more!

In The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God, Brierley outlines the dramatic fall of New Atheism and the birth of a new conversation on whether God makes sense of science, history, culture, and the search for meaning. People are returning to Christianity―but is the church prepared to welcome a new wave of faith?

There’s a new conversation building. The tide is coming.

272 pages (Soft Cover)


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