The War on the West



Author:  Douglas Murray

The author of The Madness of the Crowds and an editor at the UK’s Spectator argues that the Western cultural elite is determined to destroy the traditions which have made the West great and improved countless lives worldwide.

Our society is under attack; a cultural war is being waged against all the roots and fruits of the Western traditions that have made life prosperous, comfortable, and safe, Douglas Murray contends.

Every aspect of the Western tradition that arose in Europe over the last two millennia is now threatened by critics determined to tear it down in the name of freedom and equality. Out of malice and ignorance, many Westerners consider their home societies’ traditions, religions, systems, and people to be their greatest enemies. They view world history as if only Western nations have blemished legacies, and they stereotype the very groups they themselves accuse of incessant racism.

In The War on the West, Murray shows how such products of European enlightenment are condemned by misguided people who don’t understand how or why the West came to the settlements that it did over religion, science, or philosophy, and provided people around the world with unparalleled opportunities.

The West has made the world better, and in The War on the West, Murray irrefutably explains why and offers a clarion call to protect and defend the West’s most cherished conventions.

320 pages (Hardback)


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