What does having perspective mean right now?

My family and I were at Camp of the Woods (COTW) this past week, and we had a wonderful time. For those of you unfamiliar with COTW, it’s a great place to have a family vacation. They have daily chapels and fun activities for the entire family, including kayaking, paddle boarding, or just going to the beach (to name a few things). Early in the week, the chapel speaker talked about having the right perspective. I found it profoundly insightful.

It’s so easy to get caught up with life. We can easily miss the bigger picture. We can perceive things as huge deals in the moment. At the end of the day, we avoid what may seem too scary or hard to do. But when we stop and think about the larger picture, often things can be put in perspective.

Momentary and Light Affliction

We all know this intrinsically on some level, but at least I personally quickly forget. The sermon reminded me that momentary, light affliction (2 Corinthians 4: 16 – 18), when we think about the bigger picture, really is momentary and light. Even though it may not feel momentary or light when we’re actually going through it. Maybe Paul really did think all he went through (getting beaten with rods, stoned multiple times, lost at sea, etc.) was no big. I mean, it’s Paul, right? But I think what is the more likely explanation is that the LORD had given him perspective.

As we all know, life can be hard. But we weren’t promised easy lives. Actually, we were promised a life of persecution (Matthew 10:22). But going back to what Paul wrote to the Corinthians, we fix our eyes on what is unseen, not what is seen. What is eternal, not what is temporary.

In other words, we’re to focus on the long game. The really, really long game.

To God be the Glory

Our job on this earth for the short time we are here is to bring God glory and enjoy Him forever. One way we bring God glory is to obey His Word. This is much easier said than done. How often have we remained quiet in a situation that merits some truth bombs, but we say nothing so as not to disturb the peace? Sometimes it’s because we’re too scared to say something. Or maybe it’s because we’ve actually never got down into the nitty gritty of studying a topic so as to be an apologist for it.

We no longer have the luxury of time to sit back and remain complacent, whatever the reason. The insanity of our culture is not going to blow over. We may not face a beating with rods or a stoning or getting lost at sea. But persecution in one form or another is at our doorstep, no matter what we may think or want to believe. If we stay on the fence, as Eric Metaxas says often, we must remember that the devil owns the fence. And besides, lukewarm christianity is good for absolutely nothing (Revelation 3:16).

Playing Nice

The culture is unashamedly coming after all we hold sacred. We’ve conceded so much because we wanted to be nice. Nice has put us in the position we are in today. Playing nice has allowed for unfettered, on-demand abortion rights, while ignoring the rights of the most marginalized – babies. Playing nice has allowed for screaming anarchists to burn down the U.S. flag while raising the Palestinian flag since they are deemed an oppressed group of people. Have we so quickly forgotten October 7? Or what about what an incredible country we live in? Apparently, we have. Playing nice has allowed for men in women’s spaces, including sports, women’s shelters, and even prisons. We have bent the knee to a delusion and forsaken our daughters to hold the banner of inclusivity high.

Just as the culture unabashedly trumpets their convictions, we must do the same. Especially considering we are the ones with actual Truth and Virtue on our side. For too long, we’ve been guilted to “play nice.” But we must educate ourselves in order to push back against the tsunami of lies perpetuated around us. This is not about being unkind. It’s about standing on Truth.

Our lives are but a drop in the bucket. A moment in time. Any sacrifices or momentary afflictions we may need to make in order to stand for Truth is undoubtedly worth it.

What We’re About

MHM was created to provide a place to purchase great books for the entire family. We are determined to foster delight in books that share something good, true, and beautiful. But additionally, MHM is about helping all ages dialogue about harmful ideologies that undermine our convictions and values. Therefore, along with supporting biblical values, our books include important topics that help to navigate the current cultural climate, including books that discuss Gender Ideology, CRT (Critical Race Theory), Sanctity of Life, Patriotism/American History, all from a Biblical Worldview.  Check them out and pick up some awesome titles for your children, your friends, and yourself! We need all the help we can get!

Now is the time to learn, foster courage, and stand on Truth. I pray we band together as mud hens do, in order to protect our most precious blessings – our children. The next generation needs us to teach and guide them. I pray we take this calling seriously, that we pray for strong backs to bear the weight, and that we share with others Truth with courage.


©2024 Mud Hen Mama


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