Does the future look dubious to anyone else out there besides me?

For many people right now, the future looks dubious. I’d go so far as to say it looks extremely dark. What I’m talking about is not merely a preference of what we would like to happen. It’s much more than that. It’s about the freedoms we’ve always enjoyed. They are being compromised or potentially taken completely away. It’s also about threats to the things many of us hold dear.

But God…

But you know what’s amazing? God knew. He has orchestrated everything in history so far, so I’m not sure why I still am surprised when the LORD does things like this. These last few mornings, I have just “happened” to be reading some of the Psalms written by David.

This man, David, was a deeply flawed man. Nevertheless he was called, “a man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22). David knew what it was liked to be rejected by his family and friends. He had the audacity to believe that God is actually Who He says He is (1 Sam 17). David knew what it was like to be alone, holding on to God with all his might while a madman and his entire military sought to kill him (1 Sam 24). The future king of Israel knew what it was like to be given a promise (1 Sam 16) and be told to wait. And wait. And wait some more. Seems as if disappointment, frustration, rejection, and confusion were his companions for much of his life.

Can anyone else relate?

The Psalms

Psalms 17 was like a balm to my spirit. I love how the psalms are so incredibly raw. David cried out to God and spoke to Him of how he (David) has remained faithful, so please don’t forget him! He continued to call on the LORD because David knew that the LORD would eventually answer him.

Believer, the LORD will answer. It may not look the way we expected, but He will answer. Our deliverance and our hope does not depend on a particular person, or job, or even our nation’s administration. It depends on the living God Who we serve. Just as David said, one day we too will be vindicated (Psalm 17:15) if we continue to keep our eyes on Christ and continue to be sanctified into His likeness.


The sanctification process is the hardest thing on this earth to submit to. Do you know why? Because it entails a dying to ourselves and a living into the life the LORD has called us to.

I was listening to the “Stand to Reason” podcast by Greg Koukle the other day. In that particular podcast, I was reminded about why it’s so hard to be sanctified. We all want our own way. And to add to that, our culture celebrates individualism above everything else. And no one is telling us otherwise. So the world tells us that whatever makes you feel good, you should do. All decisions we make should be a reflection of whatever is ultimately best for me, myself, and I.

This flies in the face of submission to the call to be a disciple of Christ. Instead of living for ourselves, we are called to DIE to ourselves. As Believers, we live for Christ. What that means is that we obey God and His Word whether or not we want to. Whether or not we understand. Whether or not we agree. We have not been placed on this earth for our own glory, but for His. He allows us to be a part of it. In whatever capacity that entails (Psalm 84:10), it is an honor and a privilege.

Who can we trust?

So yes, the future looks dubious. My heart hurts for the state of our country. It’s a shattered and divided mess. But we know Who wins in the end. There is a lot of uncertainty for those of us who do not follow the cultural narrative. However, at the end of the day, we have a sovereign God Who we can trust. He is faithful, good, and just. And if you forget and take a peek at the waves coming at you these next few days, weeks, and months to come, remind yourself. Just like David did. Speak Truth to yourself. Encourage yourself with Scripture and with the testimonies of those who have gone before us.


©2025 Mud Hen Mama


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