Happy Life Month!

It’s already been 2 years since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I thought that legal precedent would never be overturned. I am so thankful that God proved me wrong. However, since that time, there has been quite the sifting of the pro-life movement.

The great sifting

Although, like I said, I’m thankful that Roe v. Wade was overturned, that truly was only the beginning of a much longer fight ahead of us. But I don’t think we realized that it wasn’t just the pro-baby-murder side we’d have to confront.

When Roe v. Wade was overturned, not only did pro-baby-murder advocates lose their ever loving minds (as expected), but many pro-life advocates waffled. Apparently, many professing pro-lifers actually believe killing a very young baby in the womb is OK, just not after 15 weeks or so.

Bill Maher spitting facts

I’d have to say that although I respect Bill Maher, I don’t agree with him often. However, oddly enough, I have found myself resonating with some of his talking points, nodding my head along with what he’s espousing. Especially in one of his most recent controversial clips (to see, click HERE). Essentially, he says the quiet part out loud: pro-life people are NOT anti-women (that’s just to disparage them), pro-life absolutists (i.e. life should be protected from conception) are the most consistent in their position, and abortion is murder. He’s just OK with it.

Obviously, he’s morally wrong about baby murder, but at least he is spitting facts. He was able to call out both the pro-life side (obviously, not the absolutists) and the pro-baby-murder side in one fell swoop!

Let’s be clear

If there has ever been a time to have clarity on when life begins and the value of babies in the womb, it’s now. For far too long, we have allowed the will of the adults in the room to trump what is best for babies. It has played out as baby-murder that has been disguised as compassion for the poor women who have made bad choices. Or it’s just not the right time for these young women to become mothers (not recognizing the fact that they have been mothers since conception). And of course, we all know about the 1% of babies that are conceived in rape and are aborted. Often that is the cudgel that is used to always win the argument. How could we NOT have compassion on that rape victim?

Our culture supports punishing the baby for the sins of the father. How insanely wicked is that? If anyone deserves the death penalty, it seems fairly obvious it should be the rapist, not the baby.

Can we please (for the love) have compassion for the baby? Why does no one think of the most vulnerable and marginalized in these situations? Again and again, scientists agree that life begins at conception. So whether that’s a 3 week fetus or a 33 week fetus, both are babies. Both deserve to have their lives protected.

Life is a gift

Life is precious, and is something we should all cherish. Babies in the womb are one of the most (if not, THE most) marginalized human beings in the world. This month, we need to not only remind ourselves of the opportunity we have to change hearts and minds in each state we live in about life, but we need to teach our children what a gift life is. There are so many incredible books that celebrate life. Our book bundle on life for kids is fantastic! There are a variety of books included that explain the miracle of life, and how it starts at conception. Of course, nothing is inappropriate or egregious in any of the books, since they are geared towards children. Only what is good, beautiful, and true.

For adults, Love Thy Body addresses several cultural topics, including baby-murder/abortion. Unplanned was just added to the MHM booklist – an incredible book by a woman, Abby Johnson, who has courageously fought against the lies of the pro-baby-murder giant, Planned Parenthood. If you haven’t read the book, minimally check out the movie! It’s excellent!

What to celebrate this month?

I am pretty sure this month, something else is being celebrated (how in the world can we forget?). But as Believers, we can celebrate something that is truly worthy of praise. June is a month where we can choose to celebrate the gift of LIFE. The beauty and blessing of life is something we should always glorify God for.

I hope you join me in celebrating Happy Life Month! Share with others the hope we have in Christ of a life of freedom from sin and unmerited forgiveness. The LORD offers this free gift to us all, no matter what we’ve done or not done. Not one of us deserve it. But by God’s grace, He offers it to us. I pray for hearts that are HUMBLE enough to recognize our sin, and that are wise enough to accept this incredible gift.

As we praise God for the life He gives us, I pray that the LORD helps us to protect those defenseless lives in the womb so that they too can one day accept this gift of true life He offers.


©2025 Mud Hen Mama


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