Whenever I’ve heard the name Pinocchio, the first picture in my head was that of the Disney movie with Geppetto and of course, the marionette, Pinocchio. For years, I assumed it was only a movie. But as so many of the movies we watch are, it was first a book. It was actually first published in 1883! Mind blowing!
Great lessons
Even as I was first reading the book, I thought how awesome this would be to read to my younger boys. I loved how so many of the adventures Pinocchio had were lessons for children, especially boys, to learn from.
Clearly, this was a fictional story as is made obvious early on. A talking piece of wood is given to Geppetto and he carves it into a marionette. From the start, Pinocchio is wild and out of control. So although this is a fictional story, there is lots of truth and reality mixed in! He’s definitely like a normal boy, but just wooden. (:=
Marionette misadventures
His disobedience and rebellion lead Pinocchio on a series of “misadventures.” I love how the author, Collodi, describes the back and forth that happened when Pinocchio knew what he ought to do, but for a number of different reasons, didn’t end up doing it. Sounds way too familiar. But the way the book is written, Pinocchio comes across as very relatable, and the lessons are easy to understand, even to a young child.
A classic for a reason
This is not a blatantly Christian book, however, many of the lessons reflect a biblical worldview. At the beginning of the book, a Cricket insists on telling Pinocchio a “great truth… Woe to boys who refuse to obey their parents and run away from home! The will never be happy in this world, and when they are older they will be very sorry for it” (Chapter 4).
Because of Pinocchio’s foolishness, he suffers hunger, burns his feet off, and is arrested. And that’s just in the first few chapters! Although many of the consequences of the little marionette seem harsh to us, they are nonetheless powerful and important.
As I read the book, I could understand how Pinocchio has stood the test of time. Cultures and cities change, but human nature remains the same. Little boys (and girls) do the most blatantly silly and rebellious things imagined. They behave like marionettes, easily manipulated and controlled by their fleshly appetites and feelings. Hard headed and foolish, without a change of heart, children really can eventually turn into stubborn donkeys (that’s the nice word for it).
Pinocchio the boy
Throughout the book, Pinocchio goes back and forth, controlling himself and choosing to do the right things, but then getting sucked into something that he can’t seem to say no to. However, when Pinocchio finally chooses to essentially treat others as more important than himself (Philippians 2:3) by saving his loving father, Gepetto, he finally gets his deepest wish of becoming a real-live boy.
So many great lessons! It had such a great ending too! When Pinocchio turns into a boy, he’s confused and isn’t quite sure what happened. Geppetto’s response is beautiful: “When bad boys become good and kind, they have the power of making their homes gay and new with happiness” (Chapter 36). So true.
This is definitely going to be our next read aloud! Pinocchio is such a fun way to teach morality, perseverance, focus, wisdom, and so much more. I only wish I knew how good this book was sooner!
For a Classic Starts version of Pinocchio, click HERE! Perfect for younger children to read on their own.