I can’t tell you how absolutely thrilled I am to share with everyone our newly branded website! It looks so amazing! I am so thankful to @Creavista for their hard work and incredible creativity. They were able to put into words and pictures exactly the vision of Mud Hen Mama. This has been a project we’ve been working on for the past couple of months, but it was all time well spent. I couldn’t be more proud and excited!
The new tagline is “Books that nurture faith, inspire purpose, and uphold truth.” That pretty much sums it up. We need all of the above in this crazy world we live in, now more than ever.
We need to nurture and grow not only our children’s faith, but our own. Faith is hard to put into words, but can be illustrated beautifully through stories. Essentially, defining and describing faith is one thing, but doing it is another.
I remember hearing a story once of a man who would string up a rope over a part of Niagra Falls and cross it with his wheel barrow full of heavy rocks. People would crowd around to watch his courage and skill. He would go back and forth to the amazement of the crowd. He then would ask the crowd, “Do you think I could do it again?” Of course, the crowd roared back, YES! He then said, “OK! I’ll dump out the rocks. Who wants to climb into the wheel barrow?”
You can imagine the response from the crowd, right? Dumbfounded silence.
And that, my friends, demonstrates what faith is (or better stated, what it could be). We can say we believe, and passionately share with others the greatness of our God. But at the end of the day, we most show our faith by climbing into that figurative wheel barrow.
Books have a wonderful way of communicating this! We know that according to God’s Word, Faith is “…the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). We need to have faith that is unshakeable so that we can serve as an example to our children to have that same life-giving faith. I think we can all attest to the fact that faith is something you can’t fake. But we can build on the faith of others. As we come together as the body of Christ through books and fellowship, our collective faith is strengthened.
Purpose is something that is so lacking in our culture. Often, people can’t figure out their purpose, so they make it up themselves. Rather than taking the time to seek out our purpose from our creator, many of us decide we know best. And so we chase after influence, hoping that will ultimately fulfill our purpose. Others of us seek wealth, assuming that will scratch the itch. And still others pursue our base impulses of sex or comfort or ease – essentially whatever feels good. It indeed may feel good for a time, but it will always leave us feeling empty or unsatisfied, or both.
But the purpose of man is to love God and enjoy Him forever (Westminster Catechism, Question 1). We were created to worship, and we will wrestle within ourselves until we finally concede to worshipping our LORD.
It’s a little like paper. We can use it for clothing, in theory. Or we can use it as a mat, I suppose. But the best way to use paper is to use it for what it’s designed for.
Here again, stories are a great way to illustrate purpose. The Bible is where it starts, but books help to bring depth and deeper understanding of our purpose, especially as we study the lives of Christian missionaries who have gone before us.
What is truth? Got Questions has an excellent answer, but the long and short of it is that Truth resides in the person of Christ and His Word (John 18:33–38). He came to testify to the Truth, which is the Word of God.
Truth can sometimes be offensive. However, whether it offends or affirms doesn’t matter. We are all called to uphold truth. It doesn’t matter if it feels good. It only matters if it’s right.
We live in a confusing time. What is called good is often called wicked in our culture, while what is called evil is often called good. What an upside down world we live in! Without the Word of God to help us navigate this world, I don’t want to even imagine what life would be like.
Books can help us better understand the importance of Truth. From classics to contemporary apologetics speaking to the culture, Truth is not only of paramount importance, but it’s beautiful because it is good.
Tag line
Now I hope you better understand why we decided on the tagline change to “Books that nurture faith, inspire purpose, and uphold truth.” This truly encapsulates what our mission is here at MHM. I hope you all love it as much as we do at MHM!
I pray you are all blessed by the new site and that you are able to check out our fabulous booklist! Buy some great books today, and share MHM with your family and friends!
And of course, we’d love to hear what you think! Let us know if you like the newly branded site!