Our son came home from college for this past Thanksgiving, and he needed to leave early on Sunday. It’s a seven hour drive back to school, so he wanted to get a bit of a head start since he knew it was going to be a busy day on the road. We said goodbye and off he went.
A few hours later, we got a phone call at church from him. I texted, “We’re at church, what’s up?” He then texted back, “Pick up, I need to talk to you.”
Oh LORD, what’s wrong?
That’s not what you want to hear from your son driving back to college. I got up as quickly as I could and took his phone call. Apparently, someone had stopped quickly in front of him, so he slammed on his brakes. But after the initial slamming of his brakes, his brakes just went. He had nothing to stop him. By God’s grace, he just happened to be beside grass on the side of the road, so he was able to swerve into the grass. He eventually stopped and there he was, on the side of the road. Terrified, but unhurt.
We were able to get his car towed and he was able to find a garage that could keep and fix his car half way between home and school. Not ideal, but not awful either. He even was able to get a ride from someone else going back to school.
It was a long day and I was so grateful to get a phone call that he finally arrived at school late Sunday night.
God’s grace and protection
Everything happened so quickly, I hadn’t sat to think about what an incredibly dangerous situation our son had been in. His brake line was corroded, and when he braked hard, it just broke. Thus, no more brakes.
Yes, he theoretically could have used his emergency brake, but it’s hard to think clearly in that stressful of a situation. And he’s young.
I’m not being overly dramatic when I say we could have lost our son tonight. Easily. He was on a major highway going back to school with lots of other cars around on a holiday weekend. But the LORD protected my sweet son. PRAISE GOD!
Of course, I realize that God would still be good if He deemed a different outcome. But I am so, so thankful that the LORD was there, protecting our son from harm.
Our Father’s hands
This entire incident reminded me that our lives are in the Father’s hands. Just as in the bible, when the LORD decided to save Peter, yet allow James to be killed (Acts 12). We may not understand, but we don’t have to. We just need to trust that the LORD knows what He’s doing.
Of course, we actively pray for our children to be protected. We thereby participate in petitioning the LORD for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. But most importantly, we pray for God’s good will to be done. And the strength and wisdom to move forward, whatever His will may be.
This also reminds me of another incredible story of God’s grace. Unbroken is such an amazing biography. If you haven’t seen the movie, you definitely need to. However, the book is (as always!) SO much better. God’s hands were clearly in the life of Louis Zamperini, despite the desperate situation he found himself in. I don’t want to give too much away about the story, but what that man went through is beyond unbelievable. He “should” have died several times over. But he not only survived, but thrived. He passed away just a few years ago at the ripe age of 97.
Every day, every moment is a gift. The LORD, in His grace, protects us from so many things we’re not even aware of. I know that Thanksgiving is behind us now, but I pray we are thankful for the goodness of God, and how He is there, whether or not we acknowledge or realize it. I pray we all can see those blessings of God, both big and small. He is so good.