My 12 year old daughter finished reading The Magic Garden a few weeks ago, but just now got around to write up this review. I was a little nervous at first for her to read the book, since it was published quite a while ago (it was first published in 1927). I wasn’t sure how such an old book would fly with my sometimes picky child.
I had originally included The Magic Garden in our booklist because it had such great reviews and was quite popular despite it being written almost 100 years ago. So I figured I’d give it a go and see what families thought. The ultimate test, of course, was having someone, preferably a child, read it and give it a thumbs up.
So I was pleasantly surprised that even my sometimes picky child really liked the book! I guess that shows how classics really can stand the test of time. I hope you all enjoy the book review!
Book review
The Magic Garden is a great book for kids of all ages. This story includes adventure, love, and promises. This book is about a 5-year-old girl named Amaryllis. She has a ‘hungry little heart’ because her parents divorced and she is in the custody of her mother while her brother Peter is in the custody of the father. Both of the children’s parents wanted nothing to do with them. While the family was very rich, money did not buy happiness. The mother sails over the seas having fun and partying all day and night. The father goes to the city for his job.
Amaryllis and Peter have millions of dollars in both of their bank accounts. They are both given many governesses and maids/butlers to take care of them, but no one to love them.
One day Amaryllis runs away to a little river because she feels unloved . Here is when she meets John Guido. Amaryllis doesn’t tell John Guido who she is but he decides to help her anyway. John Guido shows Amaryllis what it is like to be purely loved. He protected her by keeping her and showed interest whenever she was talking. But soon Amaryllis is found by her father who asks the judge to now give him custody of her. Amaryllis grows to love her father but still longs to see John Guido again.
This book is biblical because it shows love and how it should be used. It shows how Amaryllis and John Guido love each other and would wait for each other for a lifetime. As she grew older, she grew to love John and see him as a potential husband. Despite her wealth, Amaryllis proves that she has high moral character which is how we should all strive to be. Being wealthy is not a bad thing, but using it in the wrong way is.
I liked this book because it was realistic to how some kids feel – alone, unloved, and pushed aside. But it also shows how they can be changed by someone who comforts, loves, and includes them. I also enjoyed this book because it shows how important family is.
Overall, this is a great book with many life lessons. It shows the importance of love and family. This book is also full of kindness, hope, and friendship. All of these things are important for children to learn about. This is an amazing book to speak for all of these things.