I can’t believe Christmas is less than a week away. The build up always seems to be overdone, starting shortly after Halloween it seems! And then, I blink my eyes and it’s less than a week away. I have no idea how in the world that happens, but without fail, it happens every year.
I wish I could say that I’m so enraptured with thinking about the meaning of Christmas that I lose track of time and then all of a sudden, poof! Christmas is upon me. But instead, I must confess I am thoroughly distracted with all of the incidentals of Christmas. All of the “trappings” of the season. Or as Dr. Seuss has so eloquently stated, “The ribbons! The wrappings! The tags! And the tinsel! The trimmings! The trappings!”
I’m not arguing that these things should be done away with entirely. All of these things we should enjoy if we can! There is nothing in and of themselves that are wrong with them. However, it’s the focus on it all that I, personally, struggle to keep in check. Anyone else?
I was recently listening to the podcast, Voice of the Martyrs, and was reminded of how the wealth of the west can blind us, or minimally blur, our vision for why we celebrate Christmas. In most other parts of the world, people don’t have the money to give each other gifts during this season. Instead, they gather together to celebrate the hope they have in that Baby born in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago. That’s it. And that is enough.
This time of year can be so difficult. I’m reminded of my father’s accident that happened 5 years ago, that quickly precipitated in his death in January the following year. Recently my grandmother died in Puerto Rico at the ripe age of 91. I’m not sure why these things seem to happen right around the time when we’re supposed to be the most “happy and jolly.” It seems to be such a sharp contrast to the reality that most of us live in.
But just as my brothers and sisters around the world in much more difficult situations remind me, I have hope. You have hope. Praise God, when we repent of our sins and turn to Christ, Who offers us the free gift of salvation, we need not ever despair. I am so thankful that the Word became flesh, even though we don’t deserve it.
So no matter the situation you find yourselves in this season, rejoice! The King of kings and LORD of Lords was born! We have hope beyond words! This world is not our home. Let us rejoice in Him.
Praying for you all to have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I’m taking next week off! See you again in January!