The days are long, but the years are short

Can you believe it’s August? We’ve already gotten all of our back-to-school gear, just to appease excited “littles” starting school in just a few weeks. They’re excited for school to start, to be sure!

Summer days seem to stretch out and feel like forever. Long hot days with no schedule can seem never ending. And then before you know it, it’s September and back to schedules and sports and the madness of life with kids. The cycle starts all over again.

What’s next –

But the next big thing in our family isn’t the beginning of school. It’s our second oldest going off to college in just a couple of weeks. The cycle of our lives with him is not completely broken, but will look very different.

I’m still in denial. Surely this baby of mine isn’t REALLY going, right? The emotional side of my brain denies this fact, while the rational side reminds me that indeed, my baby will be off sooner than I would like.

Some of us are more OK than others

I definitely think his siblings are all sorts of fine with it. They’ve already moved him out of his room in their heads. They have big plans for shifting the rooms around. At first, I was annoyed that they would dare to think such thoughts before he left. But then I was reminded that if I were them, I would probably want to do the same. They love their brother, but they’re excited to have a bit more space to themselves!

In just a couple of weeks, our third oldest child will be moving into the much coveted single bedroom reserved for the oldest child at home. I can’t believe it. It really is true, that the days are long, but the years fly by.

Off and on their own

As parents, we have been given the incredible responsibility of raising up these little humans to be off and on their own. I sometimes wonder have we equipped them with what they need? Do they have the skills and wisdom to face the world we live in? Have we done all we could with the (approximately) 18 years we had with them?

You know the conclusion I have come to? Although I know from my heart we’ve done the best we could have for him, I’m sure we could have done more. In hindsight, I know there were things I wish we could have done differently. But one thing I’m thankful for is the grace of Christ. Even in our efforts which fall short, God is faithful. He fills in the cracks and bridges the gaps we’ve inevitably left behind.

I’m excited to see what the LORD has in store for our son. I pray for the LORD’s favor and I pray that the LORD will always be with Him. But I pray more than anything that our son, and all our children, choose Jesus over the world. I pray that they choose to do what’s right rather than what’s easy. I’m certain it will be a daily challenge. It is for me, and I expect no less for my children.

What feels good isn’t always what’s right

It’s so easy to continue to live our lives according to what feels good or is comfortable. The last two years have reminded me, however, that what’s comfortable or easy isn’t always what’s best. And that is yet another lesson that I hope and pray our son embraces. Making decisions out of convenience or pragmatism is not always the wisest choice. LORD, I pray we all remember that.

Our kids need to know that living out our faith is innately counter-cultural. It’s uncomfortable and hard. And in many ways, that’s not a bad thing. When we are uncomfortable and struggling is when we cling the most to the LORD. That may be a tough lesson for our kids to know, but it’s a lesson they must stand on, even when it costs them something. Because it will most certainly cost them something.

Parents, enjoy every minute with your children at home, even those long, hot summer days with those kids whining about how bored they are. Play Uno with them. Bring them to a park. Color with them. Sit and talk to them until way too late into the night. Wrestle with them. And read to them (we have a few suggestions!!). It goes way too fast. Ground them in what is good and true and beautiful, while you still have them at home with you.


©2025 Mud Hen Mama


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