Christmas is almost here! Such a beautiful time of year. We celebrate Christ’s birth! We can also honor the story of courage and faithfulness of a young woman and her betrothed. I’m sure that many of us have read the story so many times, the wonder of it all loses its power.
But I pray that we can all learn from the amazing submission demonstrated by Mary. Her life would never be the same. I’m sure she had an idea of what it would all mean, but she submitted her life to the will of her Father’s despite the difficult consequences. Few would understand or believe her. Many would stand in judgment of her, whispering behind her back and excluding her from certain communities and potential friendships throughout her life. She may not have completely understood the implications of her full submission, but she certainly would have known this would require a kind of “dying” to herself. She was young, but not blind. And still, she embraced the path that she did not choose, but the path her LORD chose for her.
I pray that we can learn from the humble character of Joseph. He too would have understood some of the implications he was to face, the marginalization that he would know in a small town where everyone knew them and most would be skeptical of the purity of their marriage. He too was young, but not nieve. And he too embraced the path that he did not choose, but the path his LORD chose for him.
And finally, I pray we can all praise and worship the incredible display of the faithfulness of Jesus. God incarnate. He stooped down to us, in gentleness, in humility, in pure love and truth. He didn’t have to come, but He chose to come in obedience to His Father, and for the love of His chosen people. And here again, He embraced the path that He did not choose, but the path His Father chose for Him.
Although we too are asked by our Father in heaven to go down paths we wouldn’t choose for ourselves, I hope we can walk boldly in that path, focusing on the beautiful gifts promised to us and not focusing on the challenges of today, trusting the LORD’s will in our lives.
Life can be so complicated, but it’s wonderful to be able to step back, and think on the simplicity and beauty of a newborn baby. All babies are precious gifts, but the One Baby that we celebrate is the most wonderful gift ever given. Christ the LORD, our Savior.
I hope you enjoy this Christmas, celebrating Jesus! Praise the LORD for the truth of the Virgin Birth, God incarnate, the Baby in a manger. Our Emmanuel!