I’m not sure how many of you know about John L. Cooper, but he is a musician, rock star Believer who not only rocks on stage, but he is an incredible apologist for faith in Christ. His podcast, Cooper Stuff, is EXCELLENT! And besides all of this, he is also a father, husband, and an author. His latest book, “Wimpy, Weak, and Woke” has quite the title. But I’m thrilled to have it on our booklist! This is what we need right now in the church – people willing to speak hard Truth not so much to the world, but to the Body of Christ.
The church needs this! It took forever and a day to find the right person to contact so that I can sell it on the website, but by God’s grace (and via Jon Harris’s podcast, which is also fantastic, called “Conversations that Matter“), I found who I needed to speak to and we now have several hardback copies in our possession.
I hope you’re all as excited as I am! John Cooper gives us the kick in the pants that we desperately need right now.
Who’s else is excited about this?? If you need something solid and encouraging to read through over the holidays, definitely think about picking up this book!
I can’t even believe Christmas next week! Wow!! Happy last minute shopping! Yes, I still have some to do. Ahem. But mostly I pray we all keep first things first, and remember Who we’re celebrating. Gifts are great! But praise God, we’ve already been given the best gift of all.